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Hawai'ian Vacation 2000

Day One : Day Two : Day Three : Day Four : Day Five : Day Six : Day Seven : Day Eight : Day Nine

Seeing as how we hadn't had a real vacation in five years, my wife and I decided to get out of town this year and go some place. We thought about going back to the UK, the site of our last "real" vacation, but decided something else was in order.

We decided that rather than travel to an exotic, foreign land where we'd have to learn at least parts of another language and worry about currency exchanges, we would travel to an exotic, foreign land where they spoke English and used the American dollar as their currency - Hawai'i.

We also decided to share with our family and friends our experiences through pictures and words, which led to this part of my site. The vacation began on the island of Kaua'i before moving on to Mau'i.


Day One : Day Two : Day Three : Day Four : Day Five : Day Six : Day Seven : Day Eight : Day Nine

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