I have removed some of the off-site links from the side bar, and placed them on the new Links page. I have also taken the links from Ludichris and Forty Caliber and deposited them there. The page will be updated as needed, and you can get to it from any page on the site by way of the handy navigation menu in the top right of the page.
I owe Lee some phisch phood for his help with the table setup. Apparently, I’ve gone table-stupid some where along the way…
Categories have returned to digitalpembroke. If you must know why, there are reasons.
I have been blogging, in one fashion or another, for just over four years now. A lot has changed in such a short period of time; in the world, my nation, my own home, and within myself.
Next month, my wife will be leading her firm at the annual March of Dimes WalkAmerica in Dallas. She has registered to raise money for the event, and we’re asking for donations, which you can contribute by going to the web site set up just for her: http://www.walkamerica.org/KLTTX.
Our son, now a healthy 7-month old, was born 9 weeks premature and spent 6 weeks in the Neonatal ICU. During that time, we witnessed the good things done by the March of Dimes first hand. We’d appreciate any support you can give to this great event. Thanks!
I doubt Return of the Digitalpembroke would make a very good movie, but here it is. In an effort to further reduce the personal clutter in a weblog devoted to Macs and technology, further discussion of LSU athletics (Geaux Tigers!), the Stars, movies, books, music, etc., will be confined to this space.
Digitalpembroke was my first weblog, named after, somewhat, our first dog, Linus, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. After his death, and in the face of the seemingly insurmountable Retrophisch™ moniker bestowed by a dear friend, further blogging was moved to Retrophisch. Last month, that site was broken down into four different sites, each reflecting my interest in that particular area. When my Google AdSense application was rejected because Retrophisch.com was “too personal/a chat site,” (chat site?!?!?), I decided to resurrect digitalpembroke.com as my site for all things personal, and we’ll try again with Google AdSense in a few months.
I’m still in the process of moving over photo albums, reading lists, etc. from Retrophisch.com. I will also re-link to the photo albums originally hosted here that never made the transfer in the first place. The old archives are online, and accessible via the link list in the side bar. I currently have no plans to go back and retool them to reflect the site’s new design.