Bob Levitus goes off on PC weenies today in the Houston Chronicle, and includes a timeline of Apple's innovation in this year alone.
In case you missed it, Adam Pearl was born in Paris on Tuesday. Father Daniel would be proud, and will be missed.
Once again, the entertainment (currently a dubious term) nitwits in Hollywood are attempting to limit your rights to fair use of copyrighted material. Assuming that most consumers are content-pirating criminals, Hollywood is pushing regulation of analog-to-digital converters, among other things.
This is truly frightening stuff; if Hollywood gets its way via legislation, it will be the end of open content as we know it today, on television, movies, music, even the Internet. I encourage you to write your Congresspersons today, asking them to vote against any legislation which limits the fair use rights of consumers.
Ann Coulter nails the leftists to the wall over the whole "what did Bush know and when did he know it?" hypocrisy that is running rampant in DC and in the media. Memo to Dems in Congress: your party leaders all had the same intelligence briefings as the President!
While I'm a control-freak kind of guy and using Movable Type to control my site's content, if you just want someone to host your site where you can edit it inline, check out my bud Michael's service, Hypersites. Michael and his partner have put a lot of time and effort into their system, and it shows. Best of all, it's cheap and easy. Just like Michael. ;-)
"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3:17)